pro energy2, msun, mass, x_sun, y_sun, z_sun, vx_sun, vy_sun, vz_sun, $ xb, yb, zb, vxb, vyb, vzb, energy ;Calculate the system's total energy in the barycentric reference frame. ;Inputs are the sun's mass, the planets' masses, the Sun's barycentric ;coordinates, and planet's barycentric coordinates. Mass units are ;solar masses, length units are AU, and velocity units are 2*PI*AU/year, ;with the gravitational constant $G$ assumed to be unity. Output is the ;system's total energy, in units of solar masses*(2*PI*AU/year)^2. ; ;Joe Hahn ; ;Number of planets and time samplings sz=size(xb) Np=sz(1) Nt=sz(2) ;Kinetic energy KE=dblarr(Nt) for tm=0, Nt-1 do begin $ ;KE due to planets v2=vxb(*,tm)^2+vyb(*,tm)^2+vzb(*,tm)^2 & $ KE(tm)=(0.5d0)*total(mass(*,tm)*v2) & $ ;add KE due to Sun v2_sun=vx_sun(tm)^2+vy_sun(tm)^2+vz_sun(tm)^2 & $ KE(tm)=KE(tm)+(0.5d0)*msun*v2_sun & $ endfor ;Will need the transpose of the Sun's coordinates xt_sun=transpose(x_sun) yt_sun=transpose(y_sun) zt_sun=transpose(z_sun) ;Potential energy PE=dblarr(1, Nt) for j=0, Np-1 do begin $ for k=j+1, Np-1 do begin $ ;contributions from planet-planet interactions delta=sqrt( (xb(j,*)-xb(k,*))^2 + (yb(j,*)-yb(k,*))^2 + $ (zb(j,*)-zb(k,*))^2 ) Ujk=-mass(j,*)*mass(k,*)/delta & $ PE=PE+Ujk & $ endfor ;sun-planet interactions delta=sqrt( (xb(j,*)-xt_sun)^2 + (yb(j,*)-yt_sun)^2 + $ (zb(j,*)-zt_sun)^2 ) & $ Ujsun=-mass(j,*)*msun/delta & $ PE=PE+Ujsun & $ endfor PE=reform(PE) ;Total energy energy=KE+PE return end