pro jacobi2, msun, x_sun, y_sun, z_sun, planet_idx, mass, xb, yb, zb, $ vxb, vyb, vzb, J ;Calculates a massless particle's Jacobi integral. Inputs are the sun's ;mass and barycentric coordinates, the planet's index , ;and the masses and barycentric coordinates of all bodies. Mass units are ;solar masses, length units are AU, and velocity units are 2*PI*AU/year, ;with the gravitational constant $G$ assumed to be unity. Output is the ;Jacobi integral for all bodies, in energy units, e.g., ;solar masses*(2*PI*AU/year)^2. ; ;Joe Hahn ; ;Number of bodies and time samplings sz=size(xb) Np=sz(1) Nt=sz(2) ;planet's mass and coordinates mp=mass(planet_idx, 0) xp=xb(planet_idx, *) yp=yb(planet_idx, *) zp=zb(planet_idx, *) vxp=vxb(planet_idx, *) vyp=vyb(planet_idx, *) vzp=vzb(planet_idx, *) rp2=xp^2+yp^2+zp^2 ;particles' helio- and planeto-centric distances r_sun=dblarr(Np, Nt) r_planet=dblarr(Np, Nt) for tm=0, Nt-1 do begin $ r_sun(0,tm)=sqrt( (xb(*,tm)-x_sun(tm))^2 + (yb(*,tm)-y_sun(tm))^2 + $ (zb(*,tm)-z_sun(tm))^2 ) & $ r_planet(0,tm)=sqrt( (xb(*,tm)-xp(tm))^2 + (yb(*,tm)-yp(tm))^2 + $ (zb(*,tm)-zp(tm))^2 ) & $ endfor r_planet(planet_idx, *)=1.d0 ;particle's specific energy v2=vxb^2+vyb^2+vzb^2 Energy=(0.5d0)*v2-msun/r_sun-mp/r_planet ;particle's specific angular momentum Lx=yb*vzb-zb*vyb Ly=zb*vxb-xb*vzb Lz=xb*vyb-yb*vxb ;planet's specific angular momenta Lxp=Lx(planet_idx, *) Lyp=Ly(planet_idx, *) Lzp=Lz(planet_idx, *) ;particle's Jacobi integral J=Energy for tm=0, Nt-1 do begin $ J(0,tm)=J(*,tm) - $ ( Lxp(tm)*Lx(*,tm) + Lyp(tm)*Ly(*,tm) + Lzp(tm)*Lz(*,tm))/rp2(tm) & $ endfor J(planet_idx, *)=0.d0 J=J*(-2.d0) return end