pro xv2el,Msun,mass,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,a,e,i,O,w,M, $ mercury=mercury ;Convert Cartesian coordinates (,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) into orbit ;elements (a,e,i,O,w,M). The primary mass is Msun and the ;secondary masses are mass. All masses are in solar units, ;input distances are in units of AU, and velocities are in ;AU/(2*!pi*year). Output elements are in AU and radians. ;The GM of the system is Msun unless the mercury keyword ;is set for which GM=Msun+mass. ; ;Joe Hahn ; sz=size(x) Ndims=sz(0) arr_code=sz(Ndims+1) if (arr_code eq 4) then TINY=2.0e-7 if (arr_code eq 5) then TINY=2.0d-15 ;inclination i hx=y*vz-z*vy hy=z*vx-x*vz hz=x*vy-y*vx hxy=sqrt(hx^2+hy^2) h2=hx^2+hy^2+hz^2 h=sqrt(h2) i=make_array(size=sz) r=sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) j=where(r gt TINY) if (j(0) ne -1) then i(j)=acos(hz(j)/h(j)) ;sum primary and secondary masses unless mercury keyword is set mu=Msun if (keyword_set(mercury)) then mu=Msun+mass ;eccentricity e ex=make_array(size=sz) if (j(0) ne -1) then $ ex(j)=(vy(j)*hz(j)-vz(j)*hy(j))/mu(j)-x(j)/r(j) ey=make_array(size=sz) if (j(0) ne -1) then $ ey(j)=(vz(j)*hx(j)-vx(j)*hz(j))/mu(j)-y(j)/r(j) ez=make_array(size=sz) if (j(0) ne -1) then $ ez(j)=(vx(j)*hy(j)-vy(j)*hx(j))/mu(j)-z(j)/r(j) e=sqrt(ex^2+ey^2+ez^2) ;ascending node O O=make_array(size=sz) if (j(0) ne -1) then O(j)=atan(hx(j),-hy(j)) ;argument of periapse w ec=ex*cos(O)+ey*sin(O) es=make_array(size=sz) j=where(i gt TINY) if (j(0) ne -1) then es(j)=ez(j)/sin(i(j)) w=atan(es,ec) ;semimajor axis a v2=vx^2+vy^2+vz^2 a=make_array(size=sz) j=where(r gt TINY) if (j(0) ne -1) then a(j)=1.d0/(2.d0/r(j)-v2(j)/mu(j)) ;mean anomaly M M=make_array(size=sz) ;for elliptic orbits rv=x*vx+y*vy+z*vz k=where(rv lt 0.d0) ec=make_array(size=sz) ec(j)=1.d0-r(j)/a(j) j=where(a gt 0.d0) if (j(0) ne -1) then begin $ es(j)=rv(j)/sqrt(abs(a(j))*mu(j)) & $ Ea=make_array(size=sz) & $ Ea(j)=atan(es(j),ec(j)) & $ M(j)=Ea(j)-es(j) & $ endif ;for hyperbolic orbits j=where(a lt 0.d0) if (j(0) ne -1) then begin ZZ=make_array(size=sz) ZZ(j)=ec(j)/(e(j)>1.d0) F=make_array(size=sz) F(j)=alog(abs(ZZ(j)+sqrt(abs(ZZ(j)^2-1.d0)))) if (k(0) ne -1) then F(k)=-F(k) M(j)=e(j)*sinh(F(j))-F(j) endif ;for parabolic orbits j=where((a eq 0.d0) and (r gt TINY)) if (j(0) ne -1) then begin q=make_array(size=sz) q(j)=0.5d0*h2(j)/mu(j) tau=make_array(size=sz) tau(j)=sqrt(r(j)/q(j)-1.d0) if (k(0) ne -1) then tau(k)=-tau(k) M(j)=sqrt(2.d0)*(tau(j)+(tau(j)^3)/3.d0) endif tp=6.283185307179586d0 j=where(O lt 0.d0) if (j(0) ne -1) then O(j)=O(j)+tp j=where(w lt 0.d0) if (j(0) ne -1) then w(j)=w(j)+tp j=where(M lt 0.d0) if (j(0) ne -1) then M(j)=M(j)+tp return end